Speak To a NYC Trust, Wills, and Estate Planning Attorney Now

Learn How to Protect Your Home, Money, and Children.

Stay in control and protect your loved ones and your assets. Keep the government and "bad actors" from taking your home.

  • Make sure that the right people get the right stuff after you transition.
  • Providing for your family and your own care - make sure you decide if you go into a nursing home - OR NOT!
  • Passing on your values and guidance to your family when they need it most.

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We Make the Process as Simple and Easy-to-Understand as Possible

We Explain Everything in Plain English.

Settle Family Disputes

Stop an Opportunist from Taking Advantage of You.

Free & Fast Attorney Advice 

Get Started Today with a Friendly Free $0 Phone Consultation.

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

Avoid the Delays and Expense of Probate Successfully & Without Hassles.

About Me.
Attorney Kim McAdoo.

When my father passed away, we kids felt like we got screwed. I was in law school studying for the bar at a local coffee shop when I got the call from my brother who said, “Come now, dad's close to the end.”  And when I got there, I was really shocked because my father had always been a very strong, hard-working man that could make anybody laugh whenever he wanted; and here he was not even able to get out of his bed. 

We knew that he had retirement accounts and pensions that had provided an income, but somehow, they were just gone. It was a mystery as to what happened to them. We didn't get the money and he was cremated. That's when I became really interested in estate planning. I didn't want anybody else to have to go through what we went through. 

So that's why at McAdoo Estate Planning, LLC we focus exclusively on helping people create and preserve Legacies by ensuring and facilitating the smooth transfer of inter-generational wealth.

What They Say...

"Working with Kim and Scott was amazing. 

Before calling McAdoo Estate Planning, I was really confused about creating a Trust. They explained everything clearly, helped me figure out who to choose as a Personal Representative and Trustee (something I was struggling with), and maybe most importantly helped me realize how much help I can provide my loved ones. 

I’m really glad to have it all done so quickly, and not have to think about it so much anymore."

Jason Capalbo

"I HIGHLY RECOMMEND...This is not only a law firm that responds in a timely manner, they actually listen and convers with you personally. Top notch service and diligent work ethics. McAdoo Estate Planning for the win!"

C. M.

"I’m so happy I hired Kim to create my trust. She patiently explained everything and gave me options that I didn’t know existed. I had no idea how much support and guidance I could put in place for my teenage son. 

I don’t have family nearby, so my son hardly knows my relatives. I was afraid that if something happened to me, he would either blow through all the money or get taken advantage of. It’s a huge relief to know that the assets I leave him can last and grow. 

He'll have the checks-and-balances to become more responsible and “grow into” his inheritance. 

The VIP in-home service was fantastic and stress-free! Having the signing take place at my home gave the day a positive vibe; rather than thinking about death, it felt more like a celebration for the future of my family. 

I’m also really pleased with the binder I received with complete documentation of all my decisions. It has already come in handy several times when I wanted to refer to some details"

Janice Wright

"I search the internet for someone to assist my parents with revising existing estate planning documents. I am in a different state than my parents but wanted to ensure they would not be taken advantage of by a scam or bad lawyer. After a lengthy conversation with Scott, I felt okay to connect him with my parents. My parents are senior and traveling can be hard for them at times. Scott and team traveled to their home on multiple occasions. They patiently answered every question parents had, he even called me to verify or clarify information.

The team was professional and conducted research to ensure the correct path moving forward. They worked on creating and executing new legal documents outlining my parents wishes upon their death. Each home visit, the team was patient and respectful when working with them. Scott and team listened to their concerns and wishes. I would recommend Scott without any reservations or hesitatis to create a will or trust; estate planning. We are thankful for their time and services.."

K. J.

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